The drill on August 9 went quite well over all. It did bring up several things where we could do better. I strongly encourage all who participated to attend the general meeting on Thursday, August 28 when we will go over the items we can improve upon. Thanks to the drill participants who gave us feedback on how we can better organize the drills and provide better drill documents. These were discussed at the leadership meeting and your concerns have been addressed.
The Race for the Cure is coming up and this is another great opportunity to get some operating experience. It’s also a whole lot of fun! If you want to be buddied up with a more experienced ham, let Pat know. If you are willing to be partnered with a newer ham, also let Pat know.
We are in a final push to get all our team members ARRO certified by the end of the year. We are arranging some extra workshops. If you are not yet certified, contact me and I will help you finish up.