Thanks to the 30+ members who participated in Multnomah County for the Fall Oregon Section SET. We had a great turn out, including over 10 stations on our VHF voice net. We also had Winlink connections on VHF and HF, as well as some HF voice stations participating on the section net. Thanks to all of our served agency partners who worked on Saturday to support this radio exercise.
Bruce N4PDX has informed me that he needs to step down as West Multnomah County AEC. I really want to thank him for all of his efforts as we put together the team concept. His efforts have been invaluable! He will continue in his role as PIO and Web Manager. Adam KF7LJH has agreed to take on the AEC position. I have full confidence in his ability.
The October Drill from Home, in which we tested the practicality of operating simplex on the repeater output frequency, if the repeater goes down, went very well. This is now part of our Standard Operating Procedure.
The new weekly NET script has been tested and has been well received. With a few minor adjustments, it is now officially adopted. You can get a copy from our website.
I hope to see you all at the November monthly meeting on the 21st.