
Membership Form

Membership Classification

The goal of these guidelines is to have a clear understanding of who our members are and our group’s capacity to respond if we are activated, and to assure that our active members are current in their training. It is not meant to discourage anyone from participation in Multnomah County ARES as they are able. We encourage participation at any level of membership.


  1. Have an FCC Amateur Radio License.
  2. Have submitted a current Membership Form.
  3. Are actively working with the Training Manager and Team Leader to complete their
  4. ARRO certification.
  5. Are assigned to a team and may participate in any of our activities.

Provisional Membership lasts no longer than one year. If all four ICS on-line classes and Multnomah County ARES ARRO training has not been completed within one year, your membership will be cancelled. You can regain your membership by submitting all four ICS class completion certificates. You will then be invited to the next ARRO training sessions. When you have completed the ARRO training you will become an Active member.

ACTIVE Members

  1. Have earned their Multnomah County ARES/Races Radio Operator (ARRO) Certificate.
  2. Are assigned to a team and may participate fully in all MCARES activities.
  3. Participate in at least four ARES-related events per year. This can include MCARES meetings or other trainings, MCARES drills, state SETs, and public service events. Participation in radio communications for a public service event not coordinated by MCARES, (Ex: Race for the Cure, Portland Marathon, etc.) must be reported to the Membership Manager to receive credit. Signing into the MCARES weekly net does not count toward this requirement.

If you have not participated at least four times in the past twelve months, you will be moved to Inactive status and may be dropped from your team. You can regain active membership status by attending four MCARES general meetings or team meetings within a twelve-month period.

Have a valid amateur radio license and have filled out and submitted a membership form, and have earned the MCARES ARRO certificate, but have limited participation, and so do not meet the requirements for Active status. They are not on a team and are not actively recruited for drills and events. They may request to participate in drills and events. NOTE: You will be held as inactive for up to one year. If you have remained inactive for another year or there is no participation of any sort for a full year, membership may be cancelled.

Have submitted a membership form and may or may not have a valid amateur radio license. They provide support for the organization. Examples might include (1) members of the emergency response community who have other roles to fill in incidents or events, (2) persons interested in amateur radio and emergency communications who do not yet have their license and could help with support functions, and (3) licensed operators who will provide radio communication backup for their employers. They are not on a team and are not actively recruited for drills and events. They may request to participate in drills and events. Non-licensed members may participate in drills or events as loggers or other off-the-air functions.