News from Around the County

by Deb KK7DEB on 2023-02-12

Winter Field Day was at Scouters Mountain on January 28 and it was great fun. We braved the chilly weather and set up two stations. Joe had his awesome Yaesu FT DX 10 for voice, and Bob and Ken brought their Elecraft stations for CW. Propagation was very good and we were able to make contacts as far away as Nova Scotia and southern Florida, and many places in between. We appreciate all who visited and helped out. A special thanks to Joe for submitting our logs to the WFD organization. The chili dogs were consumed at a very high rate!

We are super excited to have a new meeting location at Portland Community College’s Southeast campus (SE Division and 82nd Ave). Our March 23 meeting will be there as will all other in-person meetings. We will send building details and parking instructions prior to the March meeting.

We are planning a Winlink exercise from home for Sunday, February 26 at 10:00am. Please save the date. The drill guide will be sent via email soon. Time to dust off the equipment and practice, practice, and practice!

The early planning has begun for the three Ultra Marathons this summer. Take a look at the dates and try to save a few to your calendar.

  • June 24: Wy’East Wander Mt. Hood near Parkdale
  • July 15-16: Mt. Hood Trail Run
  • Aug 5-6: Volcanic near Mt St. Helens

We will need your help to staff the various needed positions.

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