We are very pleased to announce that our September 22 membership meeting/training will be in person at Portland Fire & Rescue Training Center (4800 NE 122nd Ave). After over two years it will be great to meet again live! John KI7LYP will be demonstrating how to assemble Anderson Power Pole connectors and SO239/PL259 coax connectors, a needed skill for every ham radio operator. We hope you can join us. We encourage you to wear a mask if it makes you feel more comfortable however there are no mask requirements at this time.
It was great to see so many of you at the August go-kit BBQ at Sellwood Park. The raffle was a huge success and added about $1200 to our bank account. The funds raised every year help us pay for insurance and license fees for both of our trailers, food and drinks for the BBQ, swag for our annual GPS Food Drive and equipment and propane for both trailers and go-kits. This year the red “Beast Trailer” is undergoing a complete overhaul to be turned into an operating station for our west side radio operations. The added funds will help purchase equipment for the Beast.
Stay tuned for news about the ARES Fall Statewide SET (simulated emergency test). The plan is still being worked on and I hear it will be in late October.