Thanks to everyone who filled out the annual ARES survey! Your feedback is important as we plan the training and exercises for the new year.
This year was a busy one with the new team drills and the Spring and Fall SETs. The ARES trailer was deployed with each of the teams for some great hands-on training. We hope everyone had a chance to participate in a few of these important training exercises.
The four new digital go-kits are completed and now each team has one. Training on their use will be a priority for the coming year. A special thanks to the kit building team: Brian, Matthew, John B, Kenny, Ralph, Joe, John U., Patti U., Eli, Adam, and Deb. They spent several weekends building these new additions. The project was larger than originally expected as the team also built four kits for Mercy Corps along with the ARES kits. Way to go everyone!
Marino KG7EMV has decided to step down as net manager for our weekly net beginning January 1, 2018. He has done a fantastic job keeping the net controls reminded of their duties and keeping the logs up to date. Thank you Marino for your years of service!
Leadership is looking for a new net manager. Is this something you are interested in? We would love to hear from you! Send an email to leadership [at] multnomahares [dot] org.